The official Epic Video games X account teased the collaboration on Tuesday. In keeping with that teaser, Skibidi Bathroom and pals will come to Fortnite on Wednesday. The official account didn’t launch any particulars past that, however dependable leakers shared further info on what to anticipate. In keeping with SpushFNBR, the collaboration will carry quite a lot of beauty gadgets to the Fortnite store. There might be a Plungerman Outfit, Skibidi Backpack and Skibidi Bathroom Again Blings, and a Plungerman’s Plunger Pickaxe, and the entire bundle will value 2,200 V-bucks.
That’s quiet a hefty value, however hey, the vacations are proper across the nook so possibly it’s time to shock the one you’re keen on with… the Skibidi Bathroom beauty bundle from Fortnite.